Monday, June 14, 2010

In Which Hitty Rachel has a new dress made for her

Hitty Rachel was looking through the Hitty wardrobe and realized that there are many more dresses in the trunk for the Brown and Wilson Hittys than for the Raikes Hittys.  She insisted that this situation be rectified immediately!  Several dresses were cut out on Sunday, and one dress and apron were completed.  She is modeling it here.  Our person took an on-line Hitty dress class from Julie Old Crow years ago, and this is still one of her favorite patterns for Hitty couture.
Ironically, the person had been sewing for a doll 3 times the height of the Hittys, and was getting frustrated with the project.  She found sewing for Hitty Rachel much more relaxing and familiar!
Who would have ever thought she'd say that!?!!


Marlowe said...

I think your dress is very pretty!

Jen said...

Thank you, Marlowe!